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Dekes In Hockey – Everything You Need to Know

Dekes in Hockey

Hockey is a sport of strategy, skill, and split-second decision-making. 

Among the many techniques in a player’s toolkit, one of the most effective skill is the “deke”.

The deke is a dynamic move that can leave opponents and goaltenders scrambling to keep up.

Definition of Deke in Hockey

In hockey, “deke” is short for “decoy” or “deception.” It refers to a skillful and quick move that a player makes to deceive an opponent or a goaltender. 

The purpose of a deke is to make the opponent think that the player with the puck is going to do one thing, but then the player does something different, typically to get around the defender or to create a better scoring opportunity.

Dekes often involve quick stickhandling, changes in direction, or fakes that make it difficult for the defender or the goalie to predict the puck’s movement. 

A well-executed deke can be an effective way for an offensive player to bypass a defender or create an opening to take a shot on goal. 

Dekes are an essential part of a player’s offensive arsenal in hockey and are used to maintain possession of the puck, beat defenders, and score goals.

Types of Dekes in Hockey

There are several types of dekes in hockey, including the single deke, head fake deke, toe drag deke, backhand toe drag deke, double deke, and the famous Datsyuk deke.

Single Deke

This basic, yet effective hockey move creates space by faking out opponents and rapidly changing direction with the puck.

It’s not just about dazzling your opponent though; it’s also a way to boost players’ confidence levels on the ice. Think of it as less of a theatrical trick and more like an essential skill in every hockey player’s arsenal!

Head Fake Deke

This technique messes with defenders’ minds, making them believe you’re going one way when you actually plan to move in an entirely different direction.

As a player twists my body and manipulates the puck confidently, opponents fall for this illusion, giving me a significant advantage on the ice.

You’ll find that effectively executing a head fake deke requires exceptional stickhandling skills paired with strategic body movements. The agile shift of your shoulders or a swift tilt of your head can send opposing players off their balance.

Moreover, integrating this skill into more complex dekes creates disarray among enemy lines and opens up scoring opportunities for our team. It’s truly remarkable how such a simple deception can have profound effects on our offense!

Toe Drag Deke

The Toe Drag Deke is one of best hockey dekes to fool the defender in a slick style. Using the toe end of your stick, you pull the puck back toward your body, effectively dodging an incoming poke check from an opponent.

This creative maneuver is not without its risks though; if attempted too close to a defensive player, there’s a chance they could snatch the puck away. For more daring players, there’s also the Backhand Toe Drag Deke – it’s similar but with an added twist and increased difficulty level.

This advanced move is often deployed during breakaways or shootouts for that extra element of surprise and skill display on ice!

Backhand Toe Drag Deke

The Backhand Toe Drag Deke is an advanced and risky move in hockey that can be used during breakaways or shootouts. It requires precise stickhandling and control of the puck. By mastering this highly skilled maneuver, players can improve their offensive play and create scoring opportunities on the ice.

It is one of the seven dekes that every hockey player should strive to master.

Double Deke

The double deke is mentioned as one of the specific types of dekes in hockey. With the double deke, you can deceive your opponent by quickly changing direction with the puck.

This move requires quick thinking and agility to outsmart your opponent and create scoring opportunities. However, it’s important to remember that there are risks associated with attempting dekes, such as potentially losing control of the puck.

By mastering this skill, you’ll improve your offensive play and boost your confidence on the ice. So get practicing those double dekes to take your game to the next level!

The Datsyuk Deke

The Datsyuk deke is one of my favorite dekes and has been made famous by Pavel Datsyuk himself. The key to this move is to fake a shot towards the bottom corner on the forehand side, then quickly shift laterally towards the backhand while pulling the puck with you.

If you do it right, you’ll have an open net opportunity! 

This deke really showcases the importance of stickhandling skills in deceiving defenders and creating scoring chances. So, if you want to elevate your game and wow your opponents, make sure to practice the Datsyuk deke!

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Importance and Purpose of Dekes in Hockey


Dekes in hockey hold great importance and serve multiple purposes within the game.

Drawing Out Opposing Players

To be successful in hockey, it’s important to have the ability to draw out opposing players. This means using dekes to deceive defenders and create space on the ice. By executing effective dekes, you can force defenders to commit and open up passing or shooting lanes for yourself or your teammates.

Drawing out opposing players also helps you maintain possession of the puck and keep control of the play. It requires quick hands, agility, and good stickhandling skills to effectively deceive defenders with your dekes.

Mastering this skill will make you a more dangerous offensive player and give your team a greater chance of scoring goals.

Creating scoring opportunities is one of the main reasons why mastering dekes in hockey is crucial. By using deceptive stickhandling moves, you can confuse defenders and open up lanes to take a shot on goal.

The quick forehand to backhand move, for example, can catch the goalie off-guard and give you a better chance at finding the back of the net. Practice these dekes diligently to increase your chances of putting points on the board during games.

Maintaining possession and control of the puck

Maintaining possession and control of the puck is essential when executing dekes in hockey. By keeping a firm grip on the puck, you have more time to deceive your opponents and create scoring opportunities.

As you execute different dekes, it’s crucial to stay focused and aware of where the puck is at all times. This allows you to react quickly if an opponent tries to steal it from you.

Remember, maintaining possession means having power over the game and giving yourself a better chance of outsmarting your opponents with your deceptive moves.

How to Execute Different Dekes in Hockey

Mastering the art of executing different dekes in hockey requires proper body positioning, stick handling techniques, and developing quick hands and agility. Want to learn more about how to pull off these impressive moves? Keep reading!

Body Positioning & Stick Handling Techniques

To execute successful dekes in hockey, it is crucial to master proper body positioning and stick handling techniques. By positioning your body correctly, you can deceive opponents and create scoring opportunities.

Keep your knees bent and your weight centered over your feet for better balance and agility on the ice. When stick handling, focus on keeping the puck close to your body while using quick, controlled movements.

This will make it harder for defenders to steal the puck from you. Practice these techniques consistently to improve your deking skills and become a more effective player on the ice.

Developing Quick Hands and Agility

To become a skilled hockey player, it’s crucial to develop quick hands and agility. These abilities allow you to make quick decisions on the ice and maneuver around opponents with ease.

By practicing specific drills and workouts designed to improve your coordination and reaction time, you can enhance your overall performance on the ice. Mastering quick hands and agility not only enhances offensive play but also boosts confidence levels in hockey.

So lace up your skates, grab your stick, and get ready to take your game to the next level!

Practicing Dekes in Game-like Situations

To become a master of dekes in hockey, it’s crucial to practice them in game-like situations. This means simulating the intensity and pressure you would experience during an actual game.

By doing so, you can refine your deking skills and improve your ability to execute them successfully when it matters most.

During these practice sessions, focus on replicating real-game scenarios. Imagine defenders closing in on you or goaltenders trying to anticipate your moves. Practice different dekes while maintaining control of the puck, using quick hands and agile movements to deceive opponents effectively.

The more you practice dekes in game-like situations, the better prepared you’ll be to use them during matches. This type of training helps build muscle memory and ingrains proper technique into your playstyle, giving you an edge over defenders who may struggle with reading your next move.

Famous NHL Players and Memorable Dekes

NHL players like Wayne Gretzky and Pavel Datsyuk have showcased their incredible deking skills, leaving fans in awe. Their signature moves and highlight reel-worthy dekes have become legendary in the hockey world.

Wayne Gretzky and His Innovative Dekes

wayne gretzky

Wayne Gretzky, one of the greatest NHL players of all time, was known for his innovative dekes in hockey. His exceptional skills and creativity on the ice made him a master of deception and allowed him to outsmart opposing players.

Gretzky’s dekes were not only effective but also memorable, leaving fans in awe and opponents scrambling to defend against them. His ability to control the puck with precision and execute unexpected moves made him a true game-changer.

For aspiring hockey players, studying Wayne Gretzky’s dekes can provide valuable insight into the art of stickhandling and creating scoring opportunities on the ice.

Pavel Datsyuk's Signature Moves

Pavel Datsyuk

One of the most talked-about signature moves in hockey is Pavel Datsyuk’s. The Datsyuk move is an incredibly effective breakaway deke that has left numerous goaltenders scratching their heads.

It involves a combination of quick hands, agility, and deception to create an open net opportunity if executed correctly. When facing a goalie one-on-one, Datsyuk would often fake a shot or deke with his stick before swiftly sliding the puck through the goaltender’s legs and into the back of the net.

By mastering this move, you can become a formidable offensive threat on the ice.

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Highlight Reel Dekes From Other NHL Stars

Now let’s take a look at some highlight reel dekes from other NHL stars. These players have mastered the art of stickhandling and are known for their jaw-dropping moves on the ice.

From Sidney Crosby’s slick toe drag to Alexander Ovechkin’s unstoppable power moves, these NHL stars demonstrate the creativity and skill required to execute successful dekes. By studying their techniques and incorporating them into your own game, you can elevate your stickhandling abilities to new heights.

Grab your hockey stick, watch these incredible dekes in action, and get ready to amaze your opponents with your own dazzling moves on the ice!


Mastering different dekes in hockey is crucial for players looking to outsmart their opponents and create scoring opportunities. Whether it’s a simple single deke or the intricate Datsyuk deke, these moves require practice, agility, and quick thinking on the ice.

By incorporating various dekes into their game, players can maintain possession of the puck while keeping defenders guessing. 

FAQs about Dekes in Hockey

A deke, short for “deception,” is a move used by hockey players to trick their opponents and create scoring opportunities. It involves faking a shot or pass to mislead the opposing player and gain an advantage.

The term originated from the idea of using a decoy to distract or mislead the opponent, similar to how a hunter might use a decoy to attract game. Over time, the term “deke” became commonly used in hockey to describe these deceptive moves.

A one-touch deke in hockey is a move where a player quickly and smoothly moves the puck from one side of their stick to the other, fooling the opponent and creating space to make a play. It requires quick hands and good puck control.

To perform a successful deke in hockey, players often use quick changes in direction, body movements, and stickhandling skills to deceive the opponent. The key is to make the opposing player believe that you are going one way while actually going another way.

Some common types of dekes used in hockey include the toe-drag, where the player pulls the puck back towards themselves using the toe of their stick blade; the fake shot, where the player pretends to shoot before quickly changing direction with the puck; and the between-the-legs deke, where the player passes or shoots through their legs while keeping control of the puck.

While performing a deke can be effective when executed properly, there are risks involved. If not done correctly or if anticipated by an experienced opponent, it can result in loss of possession or being checked by an opponent. Players should practice and develop their skills before attempting complex moves during games.
